Laivaston soittokunta
05 April

Baroque and stuff. – Laitila


Laitilan Church

Free entry!

The Navy Band’s saxophone quartet 

Pekka Siponen, soprano saxophone
Jonas Granholm, alto saxophone
Kasper Haikonen, tenor saxophone
Perttu Nurkka, baritone saxophone

The saxophone quartet of the Finnish Navy Band plays baroque and other stuff. The concert starts off with the truest of the baroque music; arrangements of Scarlatti’s sonatas. The Suite française by Poulenc takes the audience back to 14th century France. The main piece is the premiere of Jörg Duda’s Le Jardin florissant, the Blooming Garden.

The duration of the concert is about an hour. Free entry!


Laitilan hautausmaa, 23800, Laitila.

Muita konsertteja

The Magic of Television Varsinais-Suomi Navy Band
07 March

The Magic of Television

Navy Band

Culture Hall Cruselli

Liput 20 € / 10 €
