The Guards Band Festival
Free admission!

Children’s Concert (in Finnish) at 11.15 in Levyhalli
Petri Juutilainen: Kana Kot (Petrus Kähkönen and The Guards Wind Quintet
Guided tour (in Finnish) at 12 and 2 pm from Levyhalli
Sauna Concert 2 pm for women, 4 pm for men in Naval Academy Sauna (Siiri Nordin & The Guards Sauna Trio) Tickets: Bring your own towel. No alcohol drinks or glass bottles.
Concert at 3 pm, Levyhalli (The Guards Band with Jarkko Aaltonen as conductor and Andras Fodor, clarinet)
Parade at 5 pm, start from Levyhalli
MILjazz Park Concert at 6 pm on Parade Square
(Jukka Eskola ja Teppo Mäkynen & The Guards Band Ensemble / Sami Pitkämö & Air Force Big Band / The Conscript Band’s Show Band)
Taptoe at 9.30 will be played from the Suomenlinna Church Tower
Suomenlinna, Helsinki.