Laivaston soittokunta
29 April

Shimmer of Spring- Church concert Paimio


Paimion kirkko


Navy Band
Tero Haikala, conductor
Gospel choir Aboa Gospel conducted by Silvia Koski
Juha Ketola, vocals
Pekka Siponen, alto saxophone

Pe 29.4.22 klo 18
Paimio church

At this church concert, tones of joy and solace, too are palpable in the embrace of music. The joyous world of gospel music breaks loose with gospel choir Aboa Gospel from Turku taking the stage. The singers will perform treasures of choir music and music from all over the world accompanied by the Navy Band. At the beginning of the concert, the band will create sceneries from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and Debussy’s Clair de Lune, among others.

free entrance


Paimio, Paimio.