Tickets 20€
Last year, the Dragoon Band visited Stockholm as Livgardets dragonmusikkår’s guests
performing a joint concert. Finally, time has come for the Dragonmusikkår to visit us here
in Lappeenranta! Livgardets dragonmusikkår is one of our western neighbour’s three
military music bands, and it is based in Stockholm. The band consists of 30 musicians
some of whom perform on horseback and some on foot. These dragoon-traditions
cherishing bands will once again join their forces performing in Lappeenranta-sali. The
audience will hear cavalry-spirited compositions both from Finland and Sweden, and at
best, more than 60 musicians will be seen on stage. The concert is part of Lappeenranta’s Dream Year of Culture 2024! Let’s bring it on!
Lappeenranta-sali, 53100, Lappeenranta.