22 February

Travelling with an Albatross (Kuopio)





Tickets from 20 €

The year 2023 marks 89 years of Junnu Vainio’s birth. Junnu Vainio is known as one of
the finest Finnish lyricists. Lyrics for more than 2400 songs have departed from this
lyricist’s pen, among them quite a number of evergreen songs known by all of us. The
audience will hear gems from Vainio’s eventful career interpreted by Jenna Bågeberg and Hannu
Lehtonen. The brilliant arrangements for orchestra have been made by Jarkko Kiiski.

Tickets from 20 €
In advance: lippu.fi, Sokos Kuopio, R-kiosks, Kuopion musiikkikeskus tel. +358 600 96100
At the door one hour before the concert



Chief conductor
Musicmajor Tomi Väisänen


Kuopionlahdenkatu 23, 70100, Kuopio.

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