Eilen luvattiin lunta (Yesterday They Promised Snow) – Christmas Concert
Kuopio, Tuomiokirkko

The Air Force Big Band will accompany Viitasen Piia in its Christmas concerts.
Piia Viitanen has released four somber indie folk albums, and the fifth one will be released in the spring of 2024. In addition to Christmas carrols known by everyone, pieces by Viitasen Piia will be heard with new arrangements tailor made for this concert for the Air Force Big Band.
“Viitanen has a rare skill of singing herself into the arms and under the skin of the audience. -There is also
something very natural and unforced about her.” -Mari Koppinen, Helsingin Sanomat.
Free Entry!
Kuopion tuomiokirkko, 70100, Kuopio.